2025-2026 Admissions Forms

Please click on the blue Application box to complete your application.

Pandas Class

Monday through Thursday 9:00-12:30
2, 3 or 4 day options available 


Koalas Class

Monday through Thursday 8:45-1:00
  Optional Friday class  


Brown Bears

Monday through Thursday 9:00-12:30
2, 3 or 4 day options available


Frequently Asked Questions

What age does your program begin?

Students must be “2.9”, two years and nine months, before the start of school to enroll. As space permits, enrollment can be ongoing throughout the year.

What time is the school day?

Early Morning Drop Off is available starting at 8:15 at $5.00 per 15 minutes. The Koalas classroom runs from 8:45 until 1:00. The Pandas classroom runs from 9:00 until 12:30. Extended Day is offered until 2:30, (M-Th) in the Koalas classroom and until 2:00 (M-Th) in the Pandas at a cost of $35.00 per day. 

What are the different schedule options for students?

The Koalas (ages 4-5) must enroll for M-Th from 8:45-1:00 with an optional day on Friday from 8:45-1:00. Extended Day is offered each day (with the exception of Friday) until 2:30.  The Pandas  and Brown Bears (ages 2.9-3.11) may choose to enroll 2, 3 or 4 days a week (M-Th) from 9:00-12:30. Extended Day is offered each day until 2:00. For the Koalas, Pandas and Brown Bears, Extended Day is offered as long as a minimum of two children participate.

What does a typical school day look like?

Depending upon their class assignment, students begin their day on the playground or in their classroom. They strengthen their independence and self-help skills by putting away their clothing and backpacks. During the day, the students will spend time in meeting times with classmates, participating in centers, building and creating, playing outside, reading independently and as a group, learning through play and engaging in interactions with classmates and teachers. There are also special visitors in music, movement and storytelling on a monthly basis. Each day the children will have a snack provided by Carter Preschool as well as a lunch sent from home.

Does my child need to be toilet trained before school begins?

No, the process for gaining independence in the bathroom is different for each child. Your child may start school wearing diapers or pull ups depending on where they are in the process. The teachers will assist in toileting as needed and encourage children to try as they are able.

When do you accept applications?

Families are encouraged to tour the school before submitting an application. Present students, alumni and siblings are given priority enrollment. A fee of $25 (present families) or $75 (new students) is required with the application. Upon acceptance, a $500 non-refundable deposit is required within 2 weeks to secure your spot. This deposit is applied to the first tuition payment. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis as space permits.